
Advaize is specialiced in consulting services around IoT solutions for larger companies. We work with solution design, gateway development, UX design and development of smart apps, IoT device development and much more. The core team consists of experienced consultants from ourself together with our partners Kumpan, Devex and WeBeHome.


Kumpan is a design & web agency with extensive experience in producing smart phone apps, responsive web pages, campaign sites, banners, brochures & graphical profiles.


WeBeHome develope and operate a complete IoT solution for Security and Smart home. The solution is used by customers from around 30 countries and has been supplied since 2008. One of the physical products that is included in the solution and can be offered as a separate product is a Z-Wave Gateway.

Devex Mekatronik

Devex Mechatronics is an engineering company consisting of technical consultants in numerous disciplines. We have the necessary resources to effectively help our customers to develop new ideas for effective technology solutions. Our comprehensive solutions with integrated production is unique in the industry.

Some of our buzzwords


Connect gateways and devices via MQTT. MQTT is a IoT connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport


Low energy wireless mesh protocol for connected devices. Focus on interoperability reliability and security.


A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


Linux operating system targeting embedded devices like IoT gateways.

Apache Cordova

A html5 and javascript mobile application development framework.

MS-SQL Server

A powerful relation database.


Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.


As an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime designed to build scalable network applications.